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How to Set Up Good Relations With Russia

How to Set Up Good Relations With Russia

Russia treated Ukraine like an aggressor who occupied Crimea and a part of East Ukraine, infringing on the international laws and agreements. Agreements that there signed by Russia itself.

This was possible because of former president Barak Obama.

What should be done now? Should Ukraine under support of NATO take actions to reclaim the territories? This means war. Such a war can leap into a nuclear war as Russia was hinted repeatedly. Obviously this path is unacceptable. Much more desirable is to find a solution by utilizing peaceful means.

The question about the connections of Trumps headquarters with Russia prevented him in forwarding his policy toward Russia.

Today the division between the East and the West is symbolized on the basis state of cause reserved on the Ukraine. Behaving himself firmly, Trump can leave behind unfavorable his critics.

And the American society, including the majority members of Congress, would be glad for the return of normal relations between the United States and Russia.

For the Ukraine this mean as much as possible safety. For Russia the end of economic sanctions and for Trump this can become a play which in the end will abandon the Russian enemy.

Here is my point of view. UN should propose to Russia the following:

Crimea remains in Russia’ possession and this deed has to be legitimized. For that Russia directs a letter to the United Nations with a detailed description of the reason why Crimea belongs to Russia.

At the same time Ukraine presents a claim of the financial expenditures from the time Crimea became a part of Ukraine till now. as well as account of all the losses connected with the war and occupation of East Ukraine by Russians.

After the debt is paid by Russia the UN would carry out a decision allowing Crimea and Russia join legally. Russia would be mandated to withdraw the troops from the Ukraine territory within well-defined timeframe. These actions would allow the peace and order to be lawfully restored in the region.

Now it is time for Putin’s close collaborators to give him a piece of advice to withstand from the future elections. Later on Russia should organize free and fair democratic elections, so that a new president can collaborate with others on Russia’s participation in the European Union. At that time the European Union should work on the question of the elimination of the North Atlantic Pact and the creation of a EU army instead.

The implementation of the pointing out suggestions, will bring peace and prosperity for many years to come.